Pancake Tuesday March 1st is coming soon! Please join us at a shared ZOOM pancake supper, bring your plate of hotcakes (I’m doing crepes this year!) to the computer at 7:00 PM for a meal. Then at 7:30 PM we will have a short zoom evening prayer to help us turn the corner into Lent. |
TRINTY ANGLICAN LENTEN TALKING CIRCLES 2022You are invited to join Anne and I in this wonderful opportunity. |
The Trinity FNMI Committee is offering local churches a series of unique learning opportunities for those interested in establishing right relationships with Indigenous Peoples. By means of Talking Circles, each participant prepares by reading a chapter in the booklet LISTENING TO INDIGENOUS VOICES: A DIALOGUE GUIDE ON JUSTICE AND RIGHT RELATIONSHIPS published by Novalis for the Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice in 2021. |
Most of the articles in this booklet are written by Indigenous leaders and authors, speaking from their knowledge gained from their Elders and passed down by generations of their Ancestors. In each of the chapters, links are provided to documents and Indigenous Elders providing inspiring teachings. These booklets are available through the Trinity Office Administrator and cost $18 each. Let Rev. Stephen know asap if you would like to join us, and we will get a booklet for you. During Talking Circles in a ZOOM format, participants develop skills to communicate what we have learning in a chapter and to listen to what each other has learned. In Talking Circles, each participant speaks from their mind and heart so it does not matter whether we are just beginning our journey about what Indigenous voices have been saying or we have been listening for years. In Talking Circles facilitated by the Reverend David Franks in the past, Indigenous Participants speak from their knowledge and experience, enriching our learnings. Some have smudged with sacred medicines. Some have drummed a Welcome Song and a Travelling Song as prayers. Some have shared spoken prayers. Non-Indigenous Participants have expressed gratitude for the contributions made by Indigenous Participants. On Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9 pm, the ZOOM Talking Circles will cover the following chapters:March 3 BeginningsMarch 10 The Tale of Two CommunitiesMarch 17 The Land is UsMarch 24 Language of the LandMarch 31 Ties of KinshipApril 7 Early EncountersPlease register with Rev. Stephen and we can pick up a book for you. |